Concert of Original Pieces by Richard Hannemann Draws Audience Appreciation
Submitted by Carol A. Clark
on September 7, 2014 - 2:11pm
Richard Hannemann. Courtesy photo
An appreciative audience enjoyed the world premier of La Vida en Plaza at the Saturday night concert at Smith Auditorium by local musician Richard Hannemann.
Filled with a program of his original pieces, Hannemann sparked numerous applause for his ability to work the length of the guitar fret-board in a pleasing cornucopia of guitar solos, genres and songs. He added interest to his program by inter-mingling an ensemble of ballads and songs he had written in the 70's, 80's and 90's, many of which were tied to his New Mexico roots.
Among the crowd favorites were Move it on Down the Road, Seasons, and Lone Spanish Chapel, all of which celebrated life in New Mexico. His musical story telling of the shady salesman who gets his come-uppance in Snake Oil, generated laughs and enjoyment. Similarly, his ballad, High Valley Café, told the story of a late night coffee meeting with a waitress left the audience with a sense of melancholy over that chance encounter.
But the real compliment goes for his very intricate and complicated solo La Vida en Plaza. Performed as the closing number, the lengthy piece was a clever demonstration of how many sounds can be nursed from a guitar. Audience goers will long remember the seeming sound of plaza church bells that Hannemann worked into the finale.
All-in-all, it was a lovely evening of interesting songs and an opportunity to appreciate the musical talent of one of Los Alamos' own.